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Ongoing Projects

7.1.01 Steve and Kristie "help" their parents install stairs on the back porch.
7.10.01 Not entirely sure if this is the right date, but we do a bunch of work making sure we have the guest room set up as Ron and Jeanne are coming to town for a surprise party this weekend.
7.14.01 The party is pretty successful thanks in no small part to Ron and Jeanne's help.
7.15.01 While Steve recovers from a party misstep, Ron and Dad redo the electricity in the garage and Ron amuses himself with the power washer.
7.29.01 Steve and Kristie hang many1 movie posters in the living room.
8.??.01 The Renaissance Festival begins and Steve and Kristie find their weekends busy for a while - very little home improvement goes on.
10.2.01 The festival run ends, but Steve and Kristie remain tired for a while, plus Steve decides to blow up his gall bladder.
10.20.01 Halloween decorations are deployed at the house.
11.6.01 Steve's gall bladder surgery is mostly okay and he attempts a return to work.
11.13.01 After working basically part-time for the last week, Steve is full-time again, but still too tired to help Kristie around the house much.
11.20.01 The basement receives several days of careful attention in preparation for the Winter Camp meeting. Kristie appropriates a closet downstairs for teaching supplies and designates another downstairs closet as "the holiday closet".
12.2.01 Christmas decorations are deployed.
1.6.01 The living room posters are changed and now the four posters for Lord of the Rings are on display.
1.12.01 Christmas decorations are removed.
1.16.01 Kristie calls Steve to tell him that they have to take down their fence by January 31.
1.26.01 Kristie and Steve return from a weekend trip to her parents' place to find that his parents have taken care of the fence problem.
3.16.01 Kristie's friend Nicky and her husband Richard come down for a visit and a chance to see Great Big Sea.
4.07.01 Kristie's brother Tony bring his wife Angie and son Anthony2 down for a visit3.
4.16.01 Tim shows up to help as two more truckloads of stuff are removed from Steve's folks' house. Only one or two more remain!
4.17.01 Steve purchases more shelves for the game room.
4.18.01 Steve begins an effort to bring order to some of the chaos by putting shelves in the garage.
4.28.01 Kristie's father and mother, Jim and Mary Ann come for a visit.
5.07.01 Steve compiles this list and realizes either they haven't done very much or he doesn't remember it all or both.
  1. Four big ones (27 x 41) and a small one (24 x 36). The small one is John Cusack from Say Anything. The others are Arabian Adventures, Beastmaster, Ever After, and something else.
  2. aka "my dimpleman"
  3. If you call digging holes to hunt for a missing lizard visiting

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