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The posters had actually been on the wall since mid-December, but Kristie didn't know it. When they arrived, Steve tried to think of a cool way to wrap them without giving away what they were. Given that they were rolled, that was kind of unlikely. Then he thought of his master plan.

He suggested to Kristie that he thought it might be cool to gift wrap the posters on the wall as part of their Christmas decorating strategy. She wasn't too sure about it, but agreed. Steve arranged for his mom to get Kristie out of the house for awhile, then replaced the posters with the Lord of the Rings1 models, wrapped them and replaced them2.

On Christmas day he hinted that they should be unwrapped but Kristie declined saying they should stay up until Little Christmas3. Steve reluctantly agreed.

  1. Purchased on Ebay of course.
  2. Kristie didn't seem that impressed but rumor has it she did brag to her friends when Steve wasn't around.
  3. Little Christmas is January 6, aka Twelfth Night. In Montreal it's when you take down the decorations. At Steve's parents folks it's when you take down decorations and exchange small gifts you might have missed on Christmas day.

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