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Surprise Party

Our original intention had been to have a big party for all our family and friends who didn't get invited to the too small1 wedding. As the deadline got closer, we didn't really get ready like we should have and didn't really issue any invites and basically were pretty lame2.

Kristie was a little homesick and got worse when she realized most of her family wasn't going to be able to make it. She eventually decided to just forget the whole part about inviting her family because it was so late it would look like a rush job. Steve was unhappy mostly because Kristie was unhappy, so he launched the surprise element.

Rather than have it be a gala housewarming, he secretly told the guests (mostly Detroit-Area natives) that it was a "Welcome to Detroit" party for Kristie and asked that they bring some sort of appropriate gag or useful gift.

The party arrived and things went pretty well. Kristie received some guidebooks, maps, the Detroit Almanac, and, what every hick moving to Detroit needs, mace3. Steve's mom brought the construction zone cake and a good time was had by all.

  1. Yes, we're admitting it.
  2. Yes, we're admitting that too.
  3. Of course, since the gift came from one of Steve's friends, it was an actual mace, a medieval weapon of war consisting of a large spiked ball on the end of a short handle. Suitable for smiting enemies or play lawn jarts.

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