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Groo's Bath

During one of Kristie's many trips to see Steve she noticed a very distinct odor being emitted from her favorite resident. Trying to remain on the good side of her future mother-in-law, Kristie waited until Mrs. D. had left the house before mentioning the ever growing eye-watering stench to Steve.

Kristie soon learned that it had been quite some time since Groo1 had been bathed. Being the sort of person that she is, she told Steve that they should do it before his mom returned.

"No!" Steve said, and then with a serious face (not a dimple2 in sight) Steve told Kristie a tale of dog bathing at his house. Mom is the only one who ever gives Groo a bath. If anyone else but her tries to do it, Groo will just freak out and go nuts. Nope, when it's time for Groo's annual cleaning, Mom will pick up the 45lb canine and place him in the kitchen sink, suds him up, rinse him off, and gently place him back on the floor again.

Grateful for the information3, Kristie dropped the idea and sat back down on the sofa between Steve and Groo.

Things would have been too bad if the story had ended there, but...Mrs. D. came home. Kristie told her of the now failed plan and that's when it all broke loose.

"Are you crazy?!?" she asked Kristie. "I only did that when Groo was just a puppy. He's too big, I couldn't do that now even if I wanted to."

It was at this exact moment that Kristie realized that Steve had told his first lie4 in their relationship. It was also at this moment that the dimples broke free of their restraint and Steve's true color shone through.

What may you ask was Steve's defense when Kristie began to question him about his truthfulness? "Honey, I just didn't want to give the dog a bath."

It's True!

  1. The wonderful tin can eatin', nose rammin', dog nappin', thief watchin', guard dog beagle.
  2. A dimple is a sure sign that a fib is in progress.
  3. The best way for anyone, not just the girl her son is dating, to get on her bad side is to cause some sort of harm to Groo.
  4. At least the first one Kristie know about.

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