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Queen of Trees

Until pretty recently, Kristie had never actually been to D-A1. She finally came to camp on the Friday of summer camp when the unexpected left us with more kids than seats. She arrived about 4:00 on Friday and immediately decided she loved D-A.

One thing she didn't necessarily love was Migisi's Trees. The Lodge has a cluster of pine trees they plan to raise and someday sell or donate. The trees, according to Kristie2 , were only going to be suitable for live-action versions of "A Charlie Brown Christmas". Given the shortage of Linuses3 in our lodge, she decided to take matters into her own hands4.

This week her prayers were answered when Sam5 wrote to tell her that Ranger Dave6 had said he'd be happy to have her work on the trees. Sam offered to help and declared her "Queen of Trees".

Kristie celebrated by ordering a razor sharp machete and taunting Steve about shinguards.

  1. Shocking, I know.
  2. Who has actually worked on a Christmas Tree farm.
  3. It was, of course, his blanket that saved the original tree.
  4. By telling me I needed to write emails.
  5. Who until recently had been in trouble for not writing her often enough.
  6. One of Kristie's big disappointments in her visit to D-A was that Ranger Dave wasn't there and didn't make a speech.

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