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Kristie bought weed barrier for our front planting bed last year. It had conveniently sat in the garage all winter and reared its ugly head again this spring when Kristie became convinced we needed to redo the planting area in front of our house.

One Friday she decided we should stop at the Home Depot and pick up some landscape bricks and rocks for the front of our house. When we arrived at the Depot we spent a few minutes looking at the dizzying array of options they offered. There were a dozen or so bricks of different shapes and color and more stones and mulch than you could shake a stick at. We finally settled on some red bricks and some yellow pebble beach rocks.

I asked Kristie how many we'd need. She wasn't sure, because it turned out she hadn't actually measured anything. Luckily, I had1. We loaded up 48 bricks and headed home. I knew we needed more than that, but I was worried about overloading the truck2.

We spent most of the next three days taking out the old mulch and weed barrier, placing new barrier, bricks, and rocks, and visiting the Depot for more supplies (bags of rocks are awfully heavy and we needed almost 50 of them).

When the project was all done it looked pretty good3. Kristie later apologized for taking up the whole weekend with the project. She had thought it would take us a couple of hours at most. Needless to say, she won't be making any work estimates any time soon.

  1. Something I had learned on previous trips.
  2. Which we actually did do anyhow.
  3. Even if we do say so ourselves.

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