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Anyone who watches Friends1 knows that Monica can be a little competitive. This week, Kristie turned into Monica when it came to her cholestorol. Last week, Kristie found out her number was a little high. This week, she's been a little obsessive.

The topper for the week came on Thursday. Steve had an appointment to get his bloodwork results and Kristie reminded him several times to be sure to get his cholestorol number2. Steve agreed though he wasn't entirely eager. If his were lower, she'd be mad, if his were higher, she'd be putting him on a diet3.

The day came and Steve went for his appointment. When he got there, he found Kristie waiting. At first he was afraid she was going to be joining him4 but it turned out he was safe. The school had held some kind of bloodscreening and she was there to give them a copy5 of the results for her file. Her number was down and she wanted to report that even though the doctor had given her three months to get it under control.

When it turned out Steve's number was lower than hers (and actually still in the acceptable range), Kristie began making a bunch of noise about which numbers should be compared and which number he was talking about and a bunch of other stuff. Thus, Monicholestorol was born.

  1. If you don't, now's a good time to start - it's the last season.
  2. She was quite certain his would be even higher than hers.
  3. Well, okay, trying to put him on a diet.
  4. Kristie loves to tell the doctor about things you'd just as soon he not now, like that my dad smokes or I don't paint my feet every day.
  5. She has the original of course. I think she might be planning to frame it and hang it on the wall.

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