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Regular readers probably know that Kristie doesn't really like Steve's doctor very much. He's loud, crass, and more than a little old-fashioned. He probably sealed his fate making bad jokes during one of Kristie's earlier visits.

Kristie wasn't too happy when she got to see him one Friday afternoon. She'd been feeling bad since the previous Sunday. Steve had suggested she see the doctor on Monday or Tuesday1 but she resisted and instead headed north to drop Steve's mom off in Midland2 and then go on for a visit with her grandparents.

When she got back Friday, things were much worse. We made it to the doctor okay3 and were shown through in pretty much record time. The doctor entered asked what was wrong, heard the hack, then announded he had a couple of jokes for us.

The first one was: "Why don't men get mad cow disease?" When neither of us answered, he gave us the punchline: "because they're pigs".

Less than uproarious laughter led to a second joke which helped to illustrate the first: "Why do they call it PMS?" Again no answer. "Because Mad Cow Disease was taken".

Somehow, I don't think she'll be seeing him for a while.4

  1. Nyaah Nyaah! Told you so.
  2. For the State Eagle's Convention
  3. Second appointment of the day, Steve had been earlier. Don't worry, he'll be fine.
  4. Actually she has to go back next Friday. The diagnosis was bronchitis and the prescription was antibiotics and bedrest.

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