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Soul of Discretion

Kristie had the day off and decided she'd come pay Steve a visit at his new office1. She arrived and rode up the glass elevator2 to the third floor where she had the receptionist call for Steve.

This was necessary on two counts. First, visitors can't just wander around on the third floor, which is the hub of the Coughlin world. Second, by staying in the lobby she didn't have to go to Steve's office and risk meeting Kurt, whose office is adjacent.

Steve came out a few minutes later and introduced Kristie to a few people3, then they boarded the elevator. No sooner had the doors closed than Kristie leaned in to give Steve a kiss. Steve immediately started laughing, which was not quite the response she was looking for. She pulled back, looking somewhat hurt and Steve pointed at the wall behind her.

The glass wall behind her.

  1. It's kind of cool, it's on the third floor and I have relatively new wooden furniture instead of formica, plus it's carpeted.
  2. It may be made of glass, but it's no wonkavator.
  3. And reminded them to taunt Kurt about it since he's still never met her.

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