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Breakfast in Bed II

After our last experience with breakfast in bed, it's probably no surprise that it's been a while since we've tried it again. Wednesday marked the first day in over a month that Kristie didn't have to work. Rather than celebrate by sleeping in1, she decided to make me breakfast in bed.

So at 8:00 when the alarm clock went off I was greeted by the smell of cooking food. I began to get out of bed but Kristie arrived bearing french toast and sausage. I gratefully took my plate, squeezed2 on some syrup and began eating while Kristie did the same. Breakfast went pretty well, even if Syd did get a little overly curious3.

I finished mine and thanked Kristie again while taking my plate to the kitchen and getting in the shower. Kristie finished up too and we marked it all down as a pretty successful rendition of breakfast in bed.

A few hours later, I received a call from Kristie. Apparently in our post-breakfast clean up, neither of us had remembered the syrup. Dora and Syd had though and they took advantage of some good strong teeth, a little bit of reach and that lovely squeeze bottle to drag the syrup off the headboard, onto the bed and then empty the bottle all over the sheets where it soaked through and into the mattress.

  1. Which would have been where the smart money placed its bets.
  2. No more waiting for slow syrup!
  3. It's probably not a good idea to crowd the plate when you're a six pound dog.

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