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Hot Tubbing

It's been really hot her in Michigan. Ninety plus with no rain for several days in a row. Kristie finally let the heat get to her and decided to put the softside hot tub that came with our house together. Steve, being at work, had no idea of this plan, which was (probably) supposed to be a surprise.

He came home on Monday a little late. He could hear Kristie in the backyard tinkering and decided to go in the house to change out of his work clothes1 before he went to see what she was up to. Kristie heard him and called out that he should come back and see what she was up to. He demured2 but she would have nothing of it. She insisted that he come back, so he dutifully came to look at the roughly 1/4 full hot tub.

“Look what I did.”

“That's nice dear, I'm just going to go in and change”

“Wait! You haven't even seen the coolest part yet...”

“Aren't you suppose to have it filled above the level of the jets before you...”

Kristie flipped on the jets and they sputtered to life. There were two gurgles of water which landed in the tub before the thing reach full speed and soaked Steve from head to toe3.

It will come as no surprise that this event took place on the same day as the “Snow in July” story.

  1. You know, the business casual stuff you wear to work if you're a white collar kind of guy these days.
  2. A fancy way of saying he tried to pretend he didn't hear her
  3. Even though he was standing about 10' from the edge of the tub.

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