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Snow in July!

Sometimes things are a little hectic around here in the morning1 and you have to move quick if you want to get to work on time2. This morning was one such morning and for Steve, it was further complicated by a lot of air where there should have been a lot of underwear3.

A quick trip downstairs revealed three towels in the drier, a whole lot of stuff on the floor, and nothing in the washer3. Checking upstairs revealed a single laundry basket in the hall, but things looked bleak. There was a lunch bag, another bag, some papers and a newspaper on top of the laundry basket. Steve could see some clothes poking through from the bottom though and decided to excavate. He tossed the lunch bag into another bin, then the other bag, then some papers and then he made his fateful error.

About a week ago, Kristie put together some notebooks for the kids in her summer school class. Steve's job was to find the three whole punch. He did that. What he didn't find was the bottom to the three hole punch. His solution? Lay out a couple of sheets of newspaper4 to capture the chad5.

That paper was the very paper that Steve, still slightly damp from the shower, picked up and casually tossed6 into the other basket about 1' away. Of course, it being newspaper and all, it bent, blew open and then created a slight breeze all of which added up to our hallway looking like7 Snow in July and Steve being lightly glazed in tiny bits of paper8.

  1. Neither of us is a morning person.
  2. or in a timely manner.
  3. I know what you're thinking - he should fill it. Well, he would, except he's barred from doing any laundry.
  4. Regular readers have probably already guessed where this newspaper was this morning.
  5. Cool we get to use that word and it has nothing to do with Florida elections.
  6. I did not chuck it, whip it, or hurl it. I just tossed it gently.
  7. Drumroll please
  8. Frosty, from the waist down, if you follow the snow analogy

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