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Breakfast in Bed

For Father's Day1 Kristie decided to surprise me with a surprise breakfast in bed2. I awoke to a plate being shoved under my nose and a pair of dogs leaping onto our bed. As I struggled to figure out what was going on3, I eventually realized that Kristie had made me eggs, sausage and hotcakes for breakfast.

I sat up enough to start eating and had some trouble fighting off Dora, who was very eager to experience breakfast in bed too. Kristie solved this problem by putting Dora outside4. I began eating my breakfast, ignoring the much smaller Snuggles. Eventually we heard the sound of Luke barking in our neighbor's yard.

When Dora didn't join in Kristie got suspicious and went to check on her. A moment later I heard her yell “The gate's open and Dora's gone.”

I set down my food and leapt5 out of bed to join the search. I found pants and a shirt and was looking for shoes when Kristie yelled that she had her. I went to the frount door to help her get Dora inside. Dora came in, there was much rejoicing, followed by much scolding, followed by the tell-tale clink-clink sound of Snuggles eating my breakfast6 . Kristie ran to yell at her, but by the time she got there Snuggles had eaten pretty much the whole thing.

Much later that day I noticed the eggs were out on the stove so I bought more when we went for groceries. What I didn't notice was the sausage, which were conveniently left on the counter, or the cheese, which somehow fell into a drawer and was lost forever.

  1. Actually, it was on pre-Father's Day, but since I'm pre-Fatherhood, it probably makes sense.
  2. The last time she made me breakfast in bed was when she thought her house was killing me.
  3. I'm not as bad as Kristie, but I'm definitely not a morning person.
  4. Always a good plan.
  5. Well, as close to a leap as a half-sleeping guy of my size can manage anyhow.
  6. At least she was still in bed when she did it.

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