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Wrong Turn

The directions from the hotel to the church were pretty straightforward. Take a left out of the hotel lot, drive until the road ends, turn right, then turn left at the next stop sign. Watch for it on your left after you go under the railroad bridge.

Rather than risk getting lost, it was determined that we would caravan there, with Ron in the lead, followed by Aunt Carol, then by Steve. Ron had Jeanne and Aunt Judy in his car, Aunt Carol had Natalie and Mom, and Steve had Dad. Almost as soon as the trip began, Dad began complaining about Aunt Carol's high-speed antics.

Things went pretty well until Ron made a light the others missed. Aunt Carol and Steve went on alone. Several miles passed, they came to the turn to the left to get to the church and Aunt Carol went zooming past it and down the road at about 15 over the speed limit. Steve and Dad honked and flashed lights, but it was to no avail, neither light nor sound could catch up with her car.

Steve and Dad drove on to the church, told Ron what had happened and sent him out to find them. Meanwhile, in their car an argument had broken out. Everyone but Aunt Carol was sure they'd missed their turn. They finally stopped to ask directions and Ron found them a few miles up the road from the turn.

Luckily1, everyone made it to the church on time.

  1. Especially for Aunt Carol, who was about to get clobbered by Mom.

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