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A Minor Complication

You probably thought that trying to put together a whole wedding, even a small one in five weeks or so was complicated enough. Kristie would probably agree. Steve said he agreed, but has now decided to add one more wrinkle to the wedding plans:

Steve's foot as of 2:00 Friday the 9th

Yep, that's Steve's foot in that cast. He's not sure how he did it, although he did complain of some slight pain in his feet after helping a lady push her stalled car out of a busy intersection. It probably wouldn't have been a problem except he was rushing because he was trying to get home in time to see Buffy that night.

The podiatrist identified the injury as a strained achilles tendon and prescribed the removable cast, ice, bedrest and antin-infllammatory drugs. He also said it would probably work out, but if it wasn't significantly better by next Thursday, crutches and a real cast would likely become involved.


Steve went back to the podiatrist today. His regimen of frequent icing seems to be working. The doctor decided that Steve should continue wearing the removable cast, keep up the icing and generally take it easy. He is allowed to remove the cast for short periods though, like perhaps a short wedding ceremony.

Update! (again)

A year later and they still aren't quite normal. They're better than they were though.

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