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Overnight Guests

Despite having a guest room1 we haven't had a whole lot of overnight guests2 at our new place. We were pretty excited when Dad and Mary Ann told us they'd be coming down to take us out for an Anniversary dinner and then spending the night. We spent a few hours cleaning the house3 in preparation for their arrival.

They came, we went to dinner4 and had a generally good time. We sat down and watched a movie and finally went to bed kind of late.

In the morning, Snuggles was sick5. After talking it over, we decided that Kristie and I would take her to the vet and leave Dad and Mary Ann to get dressed and ready to hit the town later. About a half hour later we got a phone call asking about coffee and where we kept it.

Kristie doesn't drink coffee and nor do I. We don't have any coffee, coffee pots, or even coffee mugs to speak of. Clearly, before we have over night guests again, we'll probably have to get some coffee serving equipment.

In this case things worked out pretty well. We stopped at Tim Horton's on the way home from the vet, then we all watched part of AI before heading out to the Gibraltar Trade Center6 for a tour6. When we got back we watched the rest of AI, ate some pizza, and called it a weekend.

  1. Albeit a now incredibly cluttered guest room.
  2. Just six. Three couples total.
  3. Neither of us is what you'd call a great housekeeper. Who's worse depends on which room and what day you're talking about, plus, if I tell you the truth, Kristie will probably sic Snuggles on me.
  4. Rio Bravo, so Kristie could have the corn.
  5. Nope, don't remember what it was, but she's better now.
  6. For some reason, the world's largest indoor flea market is always a hit.

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