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Installing the Center

Tim and Steve picked up the Entertainment Center at around 7:15 and drove (very slowly) to the House because Steve was convinced it would tip at any moment (it didn't). On arriving they decided it was too heavy for the two of them and invited Lou to join them.

After several tries at taking it in with its feet on the ground, it is determined that the unit is bigger than the doorway1. They tip it up on end and manage to get it into the house. They pause for sodas, then go to retrieve some stereo components to fill the shelves.

The cd player won't fit where it should (someone seems to have forgotten about the length of the cords on the back2), but the DVD, receiver, VCR, cable box and TV eventually wind up on the unit. Tim makes a blood sacrifice3 to the speaker gods and the new system is pronounced ready. The coolest part? Fiber optic cable to connect the DVD player and the receiver!

Several minutes of cussing about stereo equipment and speaker wires later, sound and video are aligned and the world is pronounced a much better place. Jim and Joe show up with frosties and everyone sits down to enjoy the very rumbly (subwoofer baby!) movie.

Picture of the Entertainment Center

  1. Honest, it's not that big, we just have a very narrow entranceway at our house.
  2. Hey, you can't even see those wires until you pull the player out! It'll fit, just not in the spot originally envisioned for it.
  3. Technically, he cut himself with Steve's pocket knife, but sacrifice sounds much cooler especially with the D&D movie in the offing.

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