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Home Depot

We left the house with a fairly clear objective, we were going to purchase a piece of downspout and some of those extenders that move the water away from the house1. We thought we might also pick up a pair of workgloves and maybe a small shovel/trowel to help dig up weeds.

We returned home after spending over $300.00. First we decided we needed something to edge and weedwhack with. That was just about $100. We remembered that we didn't really have our own drill yet (whoops, another $100) or bits ($50). Of course, we needed to attach the gutter pipe properly (pop rivet kit, $20)

We did remember to get the shovel and it came in handy later when we remembered we didn't have an ice cream scoop yet2

  1. We got a notice of violation from the office of the downspout inspector or something like that.
  2. That's right, Kristie not only doesn't mind using garden tools for food service, she actually suggested it. She's still not interested in certain alternate kitchamajig uses though3.
  3. No Miller, we're not explaining what the kitchamajig is or what the alternate use might be.

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