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Like most couples, Steve and Kristie have different ideas when it comes to decorating. A while back, Kristie had asked Steve what plans he had for using their three bedrooms and full basement. Steve admitted that he didn't really have any plans for which of those rooms should be which. He did admit to a strong desire to have a "real" home entertainment center1 but that was about it.

Kristie later explained to Steve that his whole entertainment center thing had been a laugh riot for her friends, who thought he should focus on more useful things like which room would be an office and where he'd put all his books and gaming stuff. Steve defended his entertainment thing, but secretly realized that Kristie andher friends were probably right. He resolved to think about it.

On his birthday, having thought about, Steve asked Kristie what ideas she had for using the various rooms2. She told him that one of the key elements for her would be the creation of a turtle pond3 in the basement.

Which is a stranger thing for a new homeowner to focus on, a Turtle Pond or a Home Entertainment Center?

  1. Steve owns some fairly high end stereo equipment which is currently consigned to his bedroom and is almost never used.
  2. Until then, it hadn't dawned on Steve that Kristie had laughed at him without providing her own answers.
  3. In her defense, Kristie had just been to see some turtle rehabilitator friends of hers who have their own basement pond and are searching for help.

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